

$ pip install neo-obs
$ obs --configure


  • Supports for common commands for managing storage: ls, rm, get, put, cp, mv du, info, sets ACL, presign URL create bucket, etc.
  • Common commands for admin: ls users, user info, rm user, set QoS, etc.
  • Support Cloudian HyperStore extension feature. e.g x-gmt-policyid
  • Can be used as library for your next object storage application.

Take the tour

Move object into other bucket

$ obs storage mv awesomebuck duckduckbuck TODO
Object "TODO" moved to "awesomebuck" bucket successfully

Get user info

$ obs admin user info --user-id johndoe --group-id awesome
ID: johndoe
Name: John Doe
Email: johndoe@geemail.com
Address: 456 Shakedown St
City: Portsmouth
Group ID: awesome
Canonical ID: 5ac765187f93d3f1cef81fake123
Active: true

Show user’s credentials

$ obs admin cred ls --user-id johndoe --group-id awesome
Access Key: 394b287c9efakekey
Secret Key: mq7Pn8bonHNfTjfakekey1234
Created: 2017-11-10 03:19:18+0700 (WIB)
Active: True