Storage API =========== .. contents:: :local: Get List Buckets ---------------- .. code-block:: bash GET api/storage/list Query Parameters: =========== ======= =========================== Name Type Description =========== ======= =========================== access_key string user access key secret_key string user secret key =========== ======= =========================== Response : .. code-block:: bash { code: 200, count: 0, data: [ { name: luck, creation_date: 2020-03-02 06:38:53 }, { name: ranger, creation_date: 2020-03-02 06:51:12 } ], ... } Get List Objects ---------------- .. code-block:: bash GET api/storage/list Query Parameters: =========== ======= =========================== Name Type Description =========== ======= =========================== access_key string user access key secret_key string user secret key bucket_name string name of bucket =========== ======= =========================== Response : .. code-block:: bash { code: 200, count: 2, data: [ { directory: Folder/ }, { Key: tes.png, LastModified: 2020-02-02 00:00:00, ETag: 000tes, Size: 0, StorageClass: STANDARD, Owner: { DisplayName: JohnDoe, ID: 123 } } ], status: success, message: Operation succeeded } Get Bucket Info --------------- .. code-block:: bash GET api/storage/bucket/:bucket_name Query Parameters: =========== ======= =========================== Name Type Description =========== ======= =========================== access_key string user access key secret_key string user secret key =========== ======= =========================== Response : .. code-block:: bash { code: 200, count: 0, data: { ACL: [ [ JohnDoe, FULL_CONTROL ] ], CORS: null, Policy: null, Expiration: null, Location: null, GmtPolicy: Replica Data to all nodes within single Datacenter }, status: success, message: Operation succeeded } Create New Bucket ----------------- .. code-block:: bash POST api/storage/bucket/:bucket_name Query Parameters: =========== ======= =========================== Name Type Description =========== ======= =========================== access_key string user access key secret_key string user secret key =========== ======= =========================== Response : .. code-block:: bash { code: 201, count: 0, data: null, status: success, message: Bucket bucket1 created successfully. } Delete Bucket ------------- .. code-block:: bash DELETE api/storage/bucket/:bucket_name Query Parameters: =========== ======= =========================== Name Type Description =========== ======= =========================== access_key string user access key secret_key string user secret key =========== ======= =========================== Response : .. code-block:: bash { code: 200, count: 1, data: { ResponseMetadata: { RequestId: a-b-123, HostId: , HTTPStatusCode: 204, HTTPHeaders: { date: Mon, 02 Feb 2020 00:00:00 GMT, x-amz-request-id: a-b-123, server: CloudianS3 }, RetryAttempts: 0 } }, status: success, message: Bucket ranger deleted successfully. } Get Object Info --------------- .. code-block:: bash GET api/storage/object/:bucket_name Query Parameters: =========== ======= ============================= Name Type Description =========== ======= ============================= access_key string user access key secret_key string user secret key object_name string name of object with extension =========== ======= ============================= Response : .. code-block:: bash { code: 200, count: 6, data: { ACL: [['JohnDoe', 'FULL_CONTROL']], Size: 30811, LastModified: 2020-02-02 00:00:00+00:00, MD5: \e123\, MimeType: binary/octet-stream, StorageClass: None }, status: success, message: Operation succeeded } Delete Object ------------- .. code-block:: bash DELETE api/storage/object/:bucket_name Query Parameters: =========== ======= ============================= Name Type Description =========== ======= ============================= access_key string user access key secret_key string user secret key object_name string name of object with extension =========== ======= ============================= Response : .. code-block:: bash { code: 200, count: 1, data: { ResponseMetadata: { RequestId: a-b-123, HostId: , HTTPStatusCode: 204, HTTPHeaders: { date: Mon, 02 Feb 2020 00:00:00 GMT, x-amz-request-id: a-b-123, server: CloudianS3 }, RetryAttempts: 0 } }, status: success, message: Object Foo.png deleted successfully. } Upload Object ------------- .. code-block:: bash POST api/storage/object/upload/:bucket_name Query Parameters: =========== ======= ============================= Name Type Description =========== ======= ============================= access_key string user access key secret_key string user secret key object_name string name of object with extension files form object files acl string acl access for object =========== ======= ============================= Response : .. code-block:: bash { code: 201, count: 0, data: null, status: success, message: Object foo.png uploaded successfully. } Download Object --------------- .. code-block:: bash GET api/storage/object/download/:bucket_name Query Parameters: =========== ======= ============================= Name Type Description =========== ======= ============================= access_key string user access key secret_key string user secret key object_name string name of object or directory with extension =========== ======= ============================= .. Note:: Use object_name with path to download objec, directory path to download directory, and don't use paramater key to download all object in bucket. Example: * object.png * folder/directory/first/ Response : .. code-block:: bash API returned/downloaded object Move Object ------------- .. code-block:: bash POST api/storage/object/move/:bucket_name Query Parameters: =========== ======= ============================= Name Type Description =========== ======= ============================= access_key string user access key secret_key string user secret key object_name string name of object with extension move_to string name of destination bucket =========== ======= ============================= Response : .. code-block:: bash { code: 201, count: 0, data: null, status: success, message: Object foo.png moved successfully. } Copy Object ------------- .. code-block:: bash POST api/storage/object/copy/:bucket_name Query Parameters: =========== ======= ============================= Name Type Description =========== ======= ============================= access_key string user access key secret_key string user secret key object_name string name of object with extension copy_to string name of destination bucket =========== ======= ============================= Response : .. code-block:: bash { code: 201, count: 0, data: null, status: success, message: Object foo.png copied successfully. } Get Usage --------- .. code-block:: bash GET api/storage/usage Query Parameters: =========== ======= ============================= Name Type Description =========== ======= ============================= access_key string user access key secret_key string user secret key bucket_name string name of bucket =========== ======= ============================= Response : .. code-block:: bash { code: 200, count: 2, data: { bucket: [ { name: bucket1, size: 30811, objects: 1 } ], total_usage: 30811 }, status: success, message: Operation succeeded } Create New Directory -------------------- .. code-block:: bash POST api/storage/mkdir/:bucket_name Query Parameters: =========== ======= ============================= Name Type Description =========== ======= ============================= access_key string user access key secret_key string user secret key directory string name of directory =========== ======= ============================= Response : .. code-block:: bash { code: 201, count: 2, data: { ResponseMetadata: { RequestId: a-b-123, HostId: , HTTPStatusCode: 200, HTTPHeaders: { date: Mon, 02 Feb 2020 00:00:00 GMT, x-amz-request-id: a-b-123, etag: \e123\, content-length: 0, server: CloudianS3 }, RetryAttempts: 0 }, ETag: \e123\ }, status: success, message: Directory Folder added successfully. } Get URL Object -------------- .. code-block:: bash GET api/storage/presign/:bucket_name/:object_name Query Parameters: =========== ======= ============================= Name Type Description =========== ======= ============================= access_key string user access key secret_key string user secret key expire integer URL expired time in seconds =========== ======= ============================= Response : .. code-block:: bash { code: 200, count: 141, data: http;//, status: success, message: Operation succeeded } Set ACL -------------- .. code-block:: bash GET api/storage/acl Query Parameters: =========== ======= ============================= Name Type Description =========== ======= ============================= access_key string user access key secret_key string user secret key bucket_name string name of bucket object_name string name of object with extension =========== ======= ============================= Response : .. code-block:: bash { code: 200, count: 1, data: { ResponseMetadata: { ResponseMetadata: { RequestId: a-b-123, HostId: , HTTPStatusCode: 200, HTTPHeaders: { date: Mon, 02 Feb 2020 00:00:00 GMT, x-amz-request-id: a-b-123, etag: \e123\, content-length: 0, server: CloudianS3 }, RetryAttempts: 0 }, }, status: success, message: Added public-read access to object foo.png. } Get GMT Policy -------------- .. code-block:: bash GET api/storage/gmt Response : .. code-block:: bash { code: 200, count: 8, data: [ { Name: gmt-1, Id: 123, Description: No description }, { Name: gmt-2, Id: 345, Description: No description }, ], status: success, message: Operation succeeded }