Storage Usage ============= .. code-block:: bash $ obs storage --help Usage: obs storage [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Manage user storage. Options: --help Show this message and exit. Commands: acl Set ACL for bucket or object. cp Copy object to other bucket. du Disk usage of bucket. get Download object in bucket. gmt Manage Cloudian extensions to S3. info Display bucket or object info. ls List bucket or object. mb Create bucket. mkdir Create directory inside bucket mv Move object into other bucket. presign Generate Url for bucket or object. put Upload object to bucket. rm Remove bucket or object. Every time you want to know available arguments and options for certain command, don't hesitate to run `--help` .. code-block:: bash $ obs storage mv --help Usage: obs storage mv [OPTIONS] [SRC_URI] [DEST_URI] Move object into other bucket. Options: --help Show this message and exit. See, I get the help message above which mean, I need to run the command below to move object .. code-block:: bash $ obs storage mv s3://source-bucket/awesomeobject.png s3://destination-bucket/ Usage Example ------------- You can use either `s3://bucket-name` or `bucket-name` directly, both are accepted. .. code-block:: bash To list all available buckets $ obs storage ls To list all object inside specific buckets $ obs storage ls s3://awesomebucket To list all object inside specific "directory" $ obs storage ls s3://awesomebucket/foo-dir/ To remove a bucket $ obs storage rm s3://awesomebucket To remove object inside bucket $ obs storage rm s3://awesomebucket/myobject.png To make a bucket $ obs storage mb awesomebucket To make a bucket suffixed with random string $ obs storage mb awesomebucket --random To make a bucket with specific ACL $ obs storage mb awesomebucket --acl private To make a bucket with specific gmt id policy $ obs storage mb awesomebucket --policy-id c41e0a6f5e74663bexampleid To download an object $ obs storage get s3://awesomebucket/myobject.png To upload an object with specified name $ obs storage put myobject.png s3://awesomebucket/myobject.png To copy object between buckets $ obs storage cp s3://awesomebucket/myobject.png s3://destbucket/ To move object between buckets $ obs storage mv s3://awesomebucket/myobject.png s3://destbucket To set bucket ACL $ obs storage acl s3://awesomebucket private To set object ACL $ obs storage acl s3://awesomebucket/myobject private To show all gmt id policies $ obs storage gmt --policy-id Using Cloudian HyperStore Extension ----------------------------------- When you run `obs --configure` your will be prompted for your "Cloudian Gmt Policy" path file. The default value is `notset` which mean you don't want to use Cloudian extension feature. To set the path, you can edit "neo.env" file directly or re-run `obs --configure`. The `neo.env` will look like this: .. code-block:: bash ... OBS_USER_GMT_POLICY=/home/john/.config/neo-obs/gmt_policy.yaml OBS_ADMIN_USERNAME=john ... Our recommended path is to put it alongside `neo.env` file. The `gmt_policy.yml` look like this: .. code-block:: bash MYZONE-A: id: "od36tj1rvf00wpu33pq5wpu33pq5" description: "2 Replication in Foo, 1 in Bar" scheme: { "DC2": "2", "DC1": "1"} MYZONE-B: id: "926cbd3456d36tj1rvf00wpu33pq5" description: "1 replica store in zone-1 , 2 replica store in zone-2" scheme: {"DC2": "2", "DC1": "1"}